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When is the new archive law coming?

The Archives Act we have now dates from 1999 and was actually formulated in 1987. It is therefore a law that assumes that all documentation is on paper. The need for a new archive law and updated regulations has been discussed for a long time, and finally something is happening. 
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Udir proposes measures to ensure a good implementation of the exam

The rapid development of artificial intelligence is creating new challenges for conducting exams in schools. Udir proposes several specific measures for the spring exam in 2024, and major changes in the exam system for the coming years.
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Road search - a unified solution for all citizens

Novari IKS is an active driver of the digitalization of the public sector, and not least the follow-up of the government's digitalization strategy: "One digital public sector". The Vegsøk system is a good example of this.
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Launch of new Qlik apps for school leaders and administrators

Novari IKS is responsible for managing the Qlik business intelligence tool on behalf of the county authorities. The tool is used within the education section in the service areas of vocational training, intake, follow-up services and schools.
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The demand management process; what is it and what is the status?

In connection with the changes to the company agreement of the former Vigo IKS, the county authorities and now Novari IKS (formerly Vigo IKS) took the initiative to implement a project to clarify and structure the form of cooperation between the county authorities and Novari. The project was named the demand management process. But what is it and what is the status?
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From Vigo IKS to Novari IKS

The inter-municipal company Vigo IKS is changing its name to Novari IKS. In this article you can read about the reason for the name change.
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