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Nominated for the digitalization award: Legal work on roles and responsibilities between the municipal sector and the state

The local government sector and Kulturtanken have been nominated for the Digitization Award for their work on designing agreements and legal framework conditions in solutions owned by the state and used by the local government sector. This work sets a precedent for the development and use of national joint case management solutions for the state, county councils and municipalities. Anne Mette Dørum, who now works at Novari IKS, has played a key role in this work and is mentioned separately in the nomination.
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Written exam spring 2024

Many excited students in upper secondary education will today, May 15 at 09.00, be informed of the subjects they will be taking for the written exam in spring 2024.
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Visma InSchool nominated for digitalization award

The Digitization Award recognizes and rewards businesses and collaborative projects that have developed innovative solutions or processes to improve the provision, accessibility and quality of public services. We are delighted that Visma InSchool has been nominated for this prestigious award.
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Interdisciplinary collaboration: specialist groups for VIGO and

The specialist groups for VIGO further develop VIGO services in line with laws, regulations and requests from users. There are specialist groups for intake, vocational training, coding, OT and apprenticeship accounts. Novari IKS and the county councils also have a technical group for, which contributes to the further development of the information service in line with the owners' wishes. 
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The Board of Representatives of Novari IKS met in Porsgrunn

The Board of Representatives is Novari IKS's supreme body and the company's highest authority. Normally, the Supervisory Board meets at Gardermoen for practical reasons, but recently the first ever meeting of the Supervisory Board was held at Novari IKS' premises in Porsgrunn.
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Digitalization in the public dental service - the mouth is part of the body, at least digitally.

On September 1, 2023, the county council decided that the counties would start a joint effort to clarify the further approach and direction of the medical record system for dental health. The "Start together phase" has now been delivered. On Thursday, April 18, the work was anchored in the county council with the associated support to start the "Shaping together phase".
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